Per Aspera Ad Astra
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

Here we are, just three days have passed since our launch and some of you are asking which plans do we have for the future of Dankswap.

Let’s first make a step back and recap what we have achieved so far!

As of now, 380k Weed tokens are circulating and, with the price currently sitting at $3.59 per Weed, we’re looking at a market cap of over $1.3M 🚀.

Our TVL, currently sitting shy of 2M$

In the meanwhile, more than 15k Weed tokens got the right treatment for weed, they have been burned 🔥. Apart from 1k tokens sent from the Treasury, all the others burned come from the 4.2% harvest fees in the Dankfarms and the DAB Dankpool if withdrawn during the first 100k blocks from launch.

Moreover, Dankswap’s Twitter account passed 10k followers and the Telegram community counts more that 1.5k users.

Too many numbers right? Let’s talk about marketing.

Dankswap has been listed on BscScan’s yield farms list and the application for CoinGecko is under review. We also sent the request to TrustWallet but until we don’t reach at least 2,500 WEED token holders, it cannot be integrated.
The next one will for sure be CoinMarketCap.

Look mom, we’re on BscScan!

We also began to look out for partnerships with other AMM and yield farming platforms on the BSC.

What is going to happen in the next days?

In less than 14k blocks from now, the amount of WEED per block halves from 4.2 to 2.1 (another halving is scheduled by the MasterChef contract in further 100k blocks from the first).

Since everyone of the Dankswap community is a part of the family, we’re ready to hear your voice, our devs are working hard to bring decentralised governance up and running for a truly fair and transparent on-chain management decisional process.

We’re working on a lot of cool features which we’ll share in the coming times, so don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

Stay safe and high,



The dankest AMM and yield farming platform on the Binance Smart Chain